Software Development for Windows, Linux and the Web in C, C++, Java - JSF JSP, AJAX, Python, PHP using Visual Studio, Netbeans.

Bespoke Microsoft Office utilities.


Free and Open Source Software deployment, usage and training.

Professional Document Production in InDesign, including typesetting, image placement, proof-reading, imposition and print production if required.

Heterogenous Network and Operating System Installation, Configuration, Backup and, Monitoring including PCI compliance, Bacula, NAGIOS. Website building and deployment (LAMP).


VMWare Virtualisation and Cloud technologies, improve performance and reliability whilst reducing overheads.

Magnolia FlowersDigital Media


High quality slide and film scanning up to 10x8 fluid mount.


Photo / Colour Printing to A3 full bleed.


Audio, Image and Video editing, transfers to MP3/CD/DVD/BluRay

Welcome to Charter Software Ltd.

Charter Software has been trading in one form or another since 1978. (Full details in About Our Company)

We are independent IT consultants, Internet Service Providers, Telecommunication and Network installers and software developers (some of the facilities we offer are listed to the left).

How may we help you?

Please contact us if you think we might be able to help you with (click on the item for more information):

  • Competitive fixed-line Telephone and Broadband contracts.
  • Network infrastructure installation and monitoring.
  • Windows / Linux installation, configuration and training.
  • Virtualisation: servers, 'hot-desking', remote access.
  • Document Production in Word, Wordperfect, InDesign.
  • eBook editing and layout in multiple formats.
  • Media editing (sound/video) for CD/DVD/BluRay or on-line delivery.
  • Bespoke software for Windows / Linux or web.

Please contact us if you think we might to be able to help!

Email is often the quickest way to get in touch at:

Our office is only manned part-time, but you can ring us on:

0117 230 6992

We will get back to you as quickly as we can. Thanks for your interest.

Please bear with us whilst we bring this site up-to-date - like builders, and indeed many other busy people, our own 'house' is always the last to be worked on!

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